Media urged to increase climate change combat role

A conference discussing ways to increase the media’s role in preventing and reducing the impacts of climate change was jointly held by the Vietnam Journalists’ Association and the Vietnam Office of Konrad-Adeneur-Stiftung (KAS) institute on April 24 in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho.
A conference discussing ways to increase the media’s role in preventing and reducing the impacts of climate change was jointly held by the Vietnam Journalists’ Association and the Vietnam Office of Konrad-Adeneur-Stiftung (KAS) institute on April 24 in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho.

Attending the event were more than 100 representatives from press agencies such as the Vietnam News Agency, Radio The Voice of Vietnam (VOV), Lao Dong and Nhan Dan dailies, as well as relevant ministries, departments and sectors.

At the conference, journalists affirmed that climate change is an issue of global concern, especially within the media circle, including the Vietnamese press.

As one of five nations most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, Vietnam’s press has positively contributed to combating climate change.

Delegates exchanged views on professional experience as well as initiatives to strengthen cooperation among news agencies and journalists in raising awareness of climate change.

They called for stronger coordination and support from relevant branches to help the press better perform its mission in the coming time.

This is the third media conference on the theme organised by the Vietnam Journalists’ Association and the Konrad-Adeneur-Stiftung (KAS) institute.-VNA

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