Meeting marks Vietnam-Uruguay diplomatic ties

A meeting to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Vietnam-Uruguay diplomatic ties took place in Hanoi on August 9.
A meeting to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Vietnam-Uruguay diplomatic ties took place in Hanoi on August 9.

Addressing the event, Assistant to Foreign Minister Nguyen Ngoc Son said since Vietnam and Uruguay established their diplomatic ties 20 years ago, they have witnessed progresses in the bilateral ties in light of the outcomes of their leaders’ visits.

The two nations have worked closely and supported each other at international organisations and multilateral forums. Many ministries and departments have signed cooperation agreements which lay a firm foundation for links in economics, trade, agriculture, culture, sport, and science-technology, he said.

Son and Uruguay Ambassador to Vietnam Carlos Irigaray expressed their belief that the Vietnam-Uruguay friendship and cooperation will thrive further in the time to come for the sake of their people, and for peace, stability and development in the region and the world at large.

On the occasion, Irigaray announced congratulatory greetings by President Jose Mujica Cordano and Foreign Minister Luis Almagro sent to their Vietnamese counterparts Truong Tan Sang and Pham Binh Minh.-VNA

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