The Government leader made the request at a conferenceon agricultural development in the Mekong Delta held in Kien Giang province bythe Ministry Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the People’s Committeesof 13 and provinces and centrally-run cities in the region.
Stressing the Mekong Delta’s significant role inpolitics, economy, social affairs, national defence-security and trade with ASEANmember countries and the Mekong sub-region, PM Chinh emphasised that the Party andState have paid due attention to the region's development.
As the country’s biggest agricultural production centre,the Mekong Delta has helped to ensure national food security and exports, andcreates jobs for 65 percent of local residents.
The region contributes 31.37 percent of the nationalagriculture sector’s gross domestic product (GDP), produces half of thecountry’s rice, 65 percent of aquatic products and 70 percent of fruits, andmakes up 95 percent of the nation’s rice exports and 60 percent of fishexports.
The PM, however, pointed out that the Mekong Delta hasyet to fully tap its potential, mainly due to limitations in the mindset, alongwith impacts of climate change, sea-level rise, and the use of the Mekong River’swater by upstream countries.
He suggested Mekong Delta make the best use of its advantagesin workforce, natural resources and historical and cultural traditions, whilecreating breakthroughs from external resources like capital, administration andtechnologies.
It should diversify the financial sources, step up thepublic-private partnership and utiliseall resources, with public investment as the main driver, the leader continued.
He ordered boosting infrastructure development, steppingup vocational training, pouring more investment in science, technology, innovationand startup, and building brand names for the region.
Apart from the support of ministries and agencies,all-level Party Committees and authorities, people, businesses and localitiesshould play an active part in this regard, PM Chinh stressed.
At the conference, the PM witnessed the signing of acoordination programme between the MARD and localities in the Mekong Delta.
According to a report presented at the event, the regionalagriculture sector’s GDP is expected to grow over 3 percent by 2025, and percapita income in rural areas is set to at least double 2018’s figure.
Meanwhile, the number of labourers working in agricultureis projected to drop to below 30 percent, and more than 30 percent of farmers willreceive agricultural training./.