Mekong delta residents gear up to fight floods

Residents in the Mekong Delta are witnessing the 2018 flood season with complicated developments. Early floods and high water level have made impacts on local residents’ production and lives.

Residents in the Mekong Delta are witnessing the 2018 flood season with complicated developments. Early floods and high water level have made impacts on local residents’ production and lives. Currently, local authorities and people are taking measures to reduce damage caused by the floods.

This year’s floods have returned to the Mekong Delta quickly and surprisingly, causing damage to rice areas in some communes of An Phu district, An Giang province.

Two communes, Nhon Hoi and Phu Hoi, of the district suffered the greatest loss, with 40 ha of its rice area, having been flooded.

Local people are worried about their rice farms submerged by floodwater only 5-7 days before harvest.

The project aims to recycle at least 5,000 bottles by the end of this year. Participants hope that individuals and restaurants will help them collect more plastic bottles so that the project can run sustainably for time to come. –VNA