Mexican senator hails all-round relations with Vietnam

Mexico’s connection with Vietnam is an exemplary relationship of the American nation with a country in the Asia-Pacific region, a Mexican senator told Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Hoai Duong on October 23.
Mexican senator hails all-round relations with Vietnam ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to Mexico Nguyen Hoai Duong (Photo: VNA)

Mexico City (VNA) – Mexico’s connection with Vietnam is an exemplary relationship of the American nation with a country in the Asia-Pacific region, a Mexican senator told Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Hoai Duong on October 23.

At the meeting, Cora Cecilia Pinedo Alonso, President of the Foreign Affairs Asia – Pacific – Africa Commission at the Mexican Senate, said her country attaches importance to all-round relations with Vietnam – a nation with political and social stability, an average annual economic growth rate of over 6 percent, a young workforce, and growing stature in the international community.

She said the two countries share many similarities in history, culture and hospitality and holds important geo-political positions in their respective regions, which are also factors helping to promote bilateral ties.

During over 40 years of diplomatic ties, Vietnam is a friend with extensive connections in politics, culture and economy with Mexico. After their leaders’ meeting at the 2017 APEC Economic Leaders’ Week in Da Nang city last year, the two countries’ relations have entered a new stage of development with closer cooperation in multiple fields towards building a strategic partnership, the senator said.

Cora Cecilia added their friendship has also been reinforced through mutual visits to exchange management experience in various areas, including working visits by senior parliamentary officials. The two sides have also supported each other at multilateral forums such as those on climate change and global security.

Economic and trade links have enjoyed great strides with bilateral trade approximating 5 billion USD in 2017. Mexico has become the third largest trade partner of Vietnam in Latin America while the Southeast Asian nation now ranks eighth among Asian-Pacific trade partners of Mexico, she noted.

For his part, Ambassador Duong affirmed that the two countries’ relations are growing strongly in all spheres, including between their parliaments.

He highly valued the Mexican parliament’s support and coordination in organising cultural activities to popularise the images of Vietnam’s land and people, thus helping to deepen mutual understanding between the nations.

There remains much room for bilateral cooperation to expand, particularly in economy, trade, culture, education and tourism, he said, voicing his belief that once coming into effect, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) will help facilitate the countries’ economic, trade and investment ties.-VNA 

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