Military officials visit Cuba

A delegation led by General Do Ba Ty, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and Deputy Defence Minister, is paying an official friendship visit to Cuba.
Military officials visit Cuba ảnh 1General Do Ba Ty, Party Central Committee member and Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and Deputy Defence Minister (first from right) (Source :VNA)

A delegation led by General Do Ba Ty, Party Central Committee member and Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and Deputy Defence Minister, is paying an official friendship visit to Cuba. 

Made at the invitation of Senior Lieutenant General Alvaro Lopez Miera, Chief of the General Staff of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, the visit runs from October 24 – November 2. 

The two sides are scheduled to review their past cooperation, exchange military training experience, and propose measures to boost defence ties. 

Respective socio-economic development and regional and global affairs of shared concerns are also put on the table. 

During a visit to Cuba in September, 2015, President Truong Tan Sang and President Raul Castro Ruz agreed that the special Vietnam-Cuba traditional relations have reaped new and positive developments across sectors, spurred by all-level delegation exchanges, effective bilateral cooperative mechanisms and the implementation of the bilateral economic agenda signed in March 2014. 

They, however, pointed out that the two countries have untapped potential in economics, trade, investment, science-technology, aquaculture, processing industry, energy, healthcare-medicine and education-training. 

They noted the need to maintain inter-Government Committee meetings, strategic dialogues at the defence deputy ministerial level and political consultancies between deputy foreign ministers, among others.-VNA


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