Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness

Artisan Lam Ngoc Vinh in Hoc Mon district, Ho Chi Minh City, creates mini bonsai trees which are truly works of art showing the artisan’s ingenuity, meticulousness and passion.
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 1Mini bonsai trees are grown in small pots with a maximum height of 15cm from roots to top but in the shape of old trees (Source: VNA)
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 2Mini bonsai trees are grown in small pots with a maximum height of 15cm from roots to top but in the shape of old trees (Source: VNA)
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 3The trees are of many species, including Shimpaku Juniper, Wrightia religiosa, Antidesma acidum and Casuarina (Source: VNA)
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 4The trees are of many species, including Shimpaku Juniper, Wrightia religiosa, Antidesma acidum and Casuarina (Source: VNA)
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 5It takes from three to seven years to tender and shape a bonsai (Source: VNA)
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 6It takes from three to seven years to tender and shape a bonsai (Source: VNA)
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 7Making the setting for the trees also takes much time (Source: VNA)
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 8The art of mini bonsai requires the patience and meticulousness of every artisan (Source: VNA)
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 9 It takes from three to seven years for a mini bonsai to become a work of art (Source: VNA)
Mini bonsai trees show artisan’s creativeness ảnh 10Growers have to use their creative eye to create bonsai art (Source: VNA)

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