Son welcomed the Belgian leader’s visit which istaking place at a time when Vietnam and Belgium are celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties and five years since the two countries established a strategic partnership inagriculture, saying that it is an important milestone in Vietnam-Belgiumrelations.
The minister affirmed that Vietnam always treasures and wants to enhance its comprehensive cooperation with the EU, including Belgium.
For her part, D’Hose underlined that Belgium always attachesgreat importance to its friendship and cooperation with Vietnam, and highly evaluated the socio-economic development achievements that Vietnam has gained after the COVID-19pandemic, as well as the country’s role and position in the region and theworld.
The two sides shared delight at the positive growth in cooperationbetween the two countries and the two legislatures in particular over the past years. They agreed that, in order to strengthen political trust, the two sidesshould increase the exchange of delegations at all levels, especially high-level ones via the State, Government, parliament and people-to-people exchangechannels.
Son held that economic cooperation is an important pillar inthe Vietnam-Belgium relationship, emphasising that there is plenty of room for the two sidesto promote their economic, trade and investment partnership. He hoped that the two sides will optimise opportunities from the EU-Vietnam Free TradeAgreement (EVFTA).
The minister proposed Belgium soon ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) to create a favourable investmentenvironment for businesses of the two nations. He also suggested Belgium prompt the European Commission (EC) to early remove its “yellow card” warning against Vietnameseseafood to ensure livelihood for hundreds of thousands of Vietnamesefishermen and meet the demand of European consumers.
D’Hose said that the Belgian Federal Parliament is actively working to ratify the EVIPA before the end of this tenure. She recognised Vietnam’sefforts in preventing and combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing(IUU).
Belgium is ready to support Vietnam in energytransition, agricultural development, climate change response, andovercoming consequences of dioxin, the Senate President said.
The two sides concurred to facilitate the travel of people of the two countries to promote people-to-people exchanges and beef upeconomic, trade and investment ties, while continuing to work closely togetherat multilateral and international forums. The two sides pledged to coordinate closelyat the UN Human Rights Council in the 2023-2025 tenure, contributing to the common affairs in the direction of improving efficiency, transparency, objectivity andbalance in the spirit of dialogue, cooperation, equality and mutual respect./.