Hanoi (VNA) – The Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment on May 4 asked ministries and localities to strengthen the control,prevention, detection, and handling of the smuggle of poultry and poultry products into Vietnam.
It has been reported that over the past time, the smuggle of such products into Vietnam remain complicated in border localities, especially in central and southern provinces.
The ministry asked provinces and centrally-run cities topay attention to and direct relevant agencies and authorities at all levels tostrengthen inspection, supervision, and control, especially in rural areas,border gates, trails, openings in border areas, seaports, and waterways topromptly detect and strictly handle the cases.
Once seized, the contrabands will be destroyed immediately, and samples taken for testing.
At a recent conference seeking solutions for Vietnam’spoultry production to overcome difficulties in the new situation on April 27, the Vietnam Poultry Breeding Association reported that now many products used asanimal feed such are smuggled into Vietnam as food for humans.
The association called on authorities and agencies tostrengthen control on cross-border poultry transportation which helps preventdisease outbreaks and ensure healthy competition in the domestic market.
In the first four months of this year, Vietnam imported51,000 tonnes of chicken meat, excluding illegal imports./.