Ministry asks for continued domestic tourism stimulus programmes

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has issued a document, asking tourism management departments, tourism associations and businesses to continue carrying out domestic tourism stimulus programmes in the remaining months of 2020.

The ministry suggested localities and businesses actively choose their own messages suitable to the attractiveness and specific products of destinations, focusing on stimulating demand of target tourists who are Vietnamese and foreigners working and living in Vietnam.

According to the ministry, localities and enterprises need to develop high-quality product packages with attractive prices, diversified programmes, and building flexible refunding and swapping policies to ensue the interests of tourists.

The ministry recommends that businesses and localities need to strictly follow instructions and regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control, ensuring safety at travel businesses, accommodation establishments, and destinations.

The tourism industry is required to promote communication campaigns about safe and attractive Vietnamese tourism on media channels, contributing to eliminating visitors’ fear of traveling./.