Ministry ensures goods supply, runs promotions for Tet holiday

The Ministry of Industry and Trade have urged its local departments to ensure supply of essential goods and necessities, and offer promotion programmes for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday while following the pandemic prevention measures.
Ministry ensures goods supply, runs promotions for Tet holiday ảnh 1Businesses have sketched out various measures to ensure goods supply for Lunar New Year festival. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Hanoi (VNA) –
The Ministry of Industry and Trade have urged its local departments to ensure supply of essential goods and necessities, and offer promotion programmes for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday while following the pandemic prevention measures.

According to Tan Duy Dong, Director of the ministry’s Domestic Market Department, the complicated and prolonged pandemic in many provinces and cities nationwide is affecting economic, commercial and service activities, making it difficult for businesses in maintaining production and business. Many workers have lost their jobs, and people's incomes have decreased.

Therefore, purchasing power by year-end is expected to decrease against the same period last year, mainly focusing on food and essential goods for daily consumption and the Lunar New Year in 2022.

Moreover, after the fourth outbreak of COVID-19, the trading method has also changed from traditional to online commercial channels to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

To prepare for the Lunar New Year in 2022, the ministry is directing localities, businesses and relevant offices to review goods supply and demand and existing product supply systems. Then, they will build plans to supply goods by Tet festival.

In addition, the ministry is implementing programmes on stabilising the domestic market to ensure the supply of essential food with stable prices, while carrying out programmes to bring Vietnamese goods to rural, mountainous and island areas.

At the same time, the ministry will strengthen inspections and management of the market to fight smuggling and trade fraud, and ensure food safety.

MoIT continues to monitor prices and markets in the localities to promptly cope with market fluctuations. It has proposed the localities soon reopen traditional markets with conditions ensuring pandemic prevention and control.

The ministry will work with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to ensure enough farm produce for the domestic market before and during Tet, especially all kinds of meat, vegetables and fruits.

MoIT has requested localities to develop plans on goods supply in different scenarios, depending on development of COVID-19.

The direct distribution channels still continue supplying goods to consumers, including wholesale markets, wet markets, supermarkets, trade centres, minimarts and convenience stores.

The localities will deploy many alternative sales methods as when the direct distribution system is closed temporarily due to a COVID-19 outbreak in localities like HCM City and southern provinces, many wholesale markets and wet markets were forced to close.

In addition, the ministry has coordinated with other ministries and sectors to prioritise vaccinations for workers in the supply and distribution chains and has provided support for sales, delivery, logistics and transport sectors in term of in human resources.

Meanwhile, large retail distribution systems such as Saigon Co.op, Satramart, Big C, Vincommerce, Mega Market, Aeon Vietnam and Bach Hoa Xanh, will ensure stable prices of essential goods while committing to pandemic prevention and control. They will also diversify sales methods to supply goods for customers.

Nguyen Thi Kim Dung, Director of Co.opmart Ha Dong, said since the COVID-19 pandemic affected production and goods supply, Co.opmart outlined a slew of measures to stock up necessities to ensure supply at good prices.

“In Hanoi, Co.opmart supermarket is targeting a revenue of 104 billion VND (4.58 million USD) during Tet holiday, or 5 percent higher than the same time last year.”, Dung said.

As for Hapromart, along with stabilized-priced goods on sale, the business also prepare a range of Hapro-branded processed products such as Hapro Dong Thap rice, salted cashew, hot dog, and many other local specialties.

Particularly, the firm will enhance sales on e-commerce platforms to reduce mass gathering, helping curb the spread of COVID-19.

Ministry ensures goods supply, runs promotions for Tet holiday ảnh 2Hanoi will stock up necessities to serve increasing demands during Tet holiday. (Photo: VietnamPlus).

Tran Thi Phuong Lan, deputy Director of the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade, said to meet the needs of the people, the department has asked businesses in Hanoi to prepare sufficient supply of commodities before and during Tet, such as dried agricultural products, gasoline, and flowers and ornamental plants.

The department will coordinate with other localities like Ha Giang, Son La and Hoa Binh to bring their staples to the capital city, she added./.


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