Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - In the early days ofJuly, many listed companies have reported positive earnings for the first halfof this year. Most are leading companies in their industries.
At the end of June, some commercial banks haveupdated their business results with high profit growth and the prospect ofexceeding their full-year target.
Vietcombank (VCB), the biggest listed bank bymarket value, posted pre-tax profit of over 7.72 trillion VND (340 million USD)in the first half, up 53 percent against the same period of last year andequivalent to 55 percent of its yearly target.
The financial indicators which measure thebank’s profitability, such as net interest margin (NIM), return on averageasset (ROAA) and return on average equity (ROAE) have also outperformed thegeneral market ratios and increased sharply compared to 2017.
In terms of profit growth, Tien Phong Bank (TPB)led the sector with first-half pre-tax profit of over 1 trillion VND (44million USD), a rise of 121 percent year-on-year and exceeding its six-monthtarget by 12 percent.
The second-largest listed lender Vietinbank(CTG) also estimates its six-month pre-tax profit of about 5.2 trillion VND(229 million USD), up over 8 percent against last year.
In the securities sector, Saigon Securities Inc(SSI) was the first firm to report first-half profit, bringing in 885 billionVND (39 million USD) and registering 20 percent growth.
The HCM City-based company continues to lead thebrokerage market in both exchanges in HCM City and Hanoi. Its market sharereached 20.91 in the first six months, far exceeding second-place Ho Chi MinhSecurities Corp with 11.73 percent.
In the retail sector, Digiworld Corp (DGW)posted first-half earnings of 42 billion VND (1.8 million USD) on total revenueof 2.63 trillion (115.8 million USD), up 45 percent in profit and 69 percent inrevenue against the same period of last year.
According to the company, strong growth in salesof mobile phones (up 345 percent) and office equipment (52 percent) drove itsstrong performance.
State-owned glass and construction materialproducer Viglacera estimates its pre-tax profit hit about 500 billion VND (22million USD), equivalent to last year’s first half number. But itssecond-quarter profit alone surged 33 percent to 353 billion VND (15.5 millionUSD).
The company said it has faced strong competitionfrom other domestic producers and import sources. However, as it is operatingin both the construction and real estate sectors, the company still expects thefull-year results to increase by 7 percent against last year.
Many other companies have also updated theirshareholders with their estimates of first-half earnings, including Vicostone(VCS), PetroVietnam Technical Services Corp (PVS), Sao Ta Foods (FMC) andVnsteel-Vicasa (VCA).-VNS/VNA