☀️ Morning digest June 13

The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

☀️ Morning digest June 13

Hanoi (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

- Key leaders of the Party, State, National Assembly (NA) and Government met in Hanoi on June 12 to review the situation and working results in April and May, and define major tasks in the time ahead.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong chaired the meeting, which saw the participation of President To Lam, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man. Read full story

- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh suggested Germany enhance cooperation with Vietnam in labour, employment, education-training and energy transition, among other fields, at a reception for outgoing Ambassador Guido Hildner in Hanoi on June 12.

The PM affirmed that Vietnam always highly values Germany’s role and leading position in Europe and the world at large, and attaches importance to deepening the bilateral strategic partnership across spheres. Read full story

- Vietnam always attaches importance to and wants to develop the Vietnam - Indonesia strategic partnership to a new height, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man said while receiving Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council (upper house) H.Mahyudin in Hanoi on June 12.

Man congratulated Indonesia on successfully assuming the role of ASEAN Rotating Chairman and Chairman of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Council (AIPA) in 2023 as well as successfully organising its general election in February and achieving great achievements in economic development and ensuring social security. Read full story

Hai Phong Customs officers discover the smuggling of 1.6 tons of ivory. (Photo: VNA)

- The General Department of Vietnam Customs said on June 12 that it will continue with the Operation Mekong Dragon phase 6 (OMD 6), a programme cracking down on drugs and wildlife trafficking in the Asia-Pacific.

Operation Mekong Dragon is a joint action programme of customs agencies and other law enforcement bodies in the region. It aims to combat the illegal trade of drugs, wild animals and plants, and products from the species in the list of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Read full story

- War evidence records of Vietnamese soldiers who laid down their lives or were missing in the resistance war against the US imperialists were handed over to their families at a ceremony in Hanoi on June 12.

Jointly held by the “Trai Tim Nguoi Linh” (Soldier Hearts) organisation in collaboration with the Vietnam Centre and Archive of the US, the Vietnam Environment and Urban magazine, and the “Mai Mai Tuoi 20” (Forever Twenty) Club, the event was a practical activity to celebrate the 76th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh's appeal for patriotic emulation (June 11, 1948 - 2024). Read full story

- Experts gathered at the International Innovative Business Forum (IIBF) 2024 held in Ho Chi Minh City on June 12 to discuss business promotion through the application of new technologies in the world, and measures to support enterprises to achieve breakthroughs and higher competitiveness.

Shashi Jagadiswaran, Deputy General Director and Technology and Digital Consulting Leader at EY Consulting Vietnam, underlined the need for businesses, regardless their operating areas, to clearly define that their customers are living in a digital world, thereby designing proper business strategies, bringing their products closer to customers to win their confidence as well as market share. Read full story

- Yamanashi prefecture of Japan has launched the first health insurance programme for family members of Vietnamese guest workers, part of efforts to attract foreign labourers amid the shrinking population and growing global competition for human resources.

Japan is facing an aging population and an increasingly severe labour shortage. It has taken various solutions, but many businesses are still struggling with the problem. In that context, foreign workers are important to Japan, including Yamanashi prefecture, Yamanashi Governor Nagasaki Kotaro told a press meeting held on June 12 to introduce the scheme. Read full story

- Ho Chi Minh City needs 6.4 quadrillion VND (251.54 billion USD) in investment for the 2021-2030 period, according a draft report on the planning of country’s southern biggest economic hub.

Of the sum, 2.23 quadrillion VND is for 2021-2025, and the remainder for 2026-2030, heard a conference appraising the city’s master plan in Hanoi on June 12. Read full story

- The Centre of Overseas Labour under the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Osaka Long-Term Medical Care Federation signed an apprentice supply contract for hospital orderlies in Japan at a ceremony in Hanoi on June 12.

The contract targets nursing and high school graduates, with the latter to undergo one-year-long nursing training. After selection, they will receive Japanese language training from 8-11 months to reach the elementary level (N4)./. Read full story


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