☀️ Morning digest May 3

The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

☀️ Morning digest May 3

Hanoi (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

- Tran Thanh Man, Politburo member and Standing Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, will manage activities of the NA and its Standing Committee until a new leader of the legislature is elected in accordance with the law, according to an announcement of the NA Standing Committee. Read full story

- Vietnam has expressed its hope that Cambodia will soon provide information on Cambodia’s Funan-Techo canal project and join hands in assessing its impacts and seeking solutions to them.

According to the Vietnam National Mekong Committee (VNMC), the canal is set to flow 180km, connecting Bassac River (called the Hau River in Vietnam, which is one of the two main branches of Mekong River) with Kep Port and onto the Gulf of Thailand. Read full story

- The 33rd experience-sharing conference on joint patrol activities between Vietnam's Naval Region 5 and Cambodia's Ream Naval Base took place in the port city of Sihanoukville, the southwestern province of Preah Sihanouk of Cambodia on May 2.

The conference, co-chaired by Rear Admiral Nguyen Huu Thoan, Political Commissar of the Naval Region 5 Command, and Rear Admiral Mey Dina, Commander of the Ream Naval Base, focused on successes achieved during the 73rd and 74th joint patrols in the historical waters between Vietnam and Cambodia. Read full story

- The State Bank of Vietnam will auction an additional 16,800 taels of SJC-branded gold bars to businesses at 9am on May 3, it said in a statement released on May 2.

Buyers can bid to buy between 1,400 and 2,000 taels, with bids in multiples of 100 taels. The starting price has been set at 82.9 million VND (over 3,263 USD) per tael, and bidders need to deposit 10% of their purchase value. Read full story

- Vietnam’s rice output is expected to reach 43 million tonnes in 2024, which is able to ensure domestic consumption and export demand of more than 8 million tonnes, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

In the first four months of 2024, Vietnam earned 2.08 billion USD from shipping 3.23 million tonnes of rice abroad, up 36.5% in value and 11.7% in volume over the same period last year. Read full story

- The southern province of Dong Nai and the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Gyeongnam province signed a series of agreements on May 2 to deepen collaboration in labour and human resources training.

During a working session in Dong Nai, Acting Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Vo Tan Duc and Governor of Gyeongnam province Park Wan Soo signed a cooperation agreement on behalf of their respective provinces. Read full story

- Vietnam Airlines Corporation reported after-tax profit of 4.44 trillion VND (173.19 million USD) in Quarter 1 as it is strengthening its international flights and restructuring.

Revenue from international transport during the period topped 13.8 trillion VND, a year-on-year surge of 30.4%, and accounting for 65% of the carrier’s total earning, three folds higher than the lowest ever figure in Q1 of 2021. Read full story

- Visakan Investment and Biotechnology Development Joint Stock Company (Visakan) on May 2 held a ceremony in the northern province of Bac Ninh to mark its first shipment of veterinary medicine valued at over 200,000 USD to Indonesia - a Halal market.

Speaking at the ceremony held at the Dong Tho Multi-Professional Industrial Cluster, Chairwoman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Huong Giang affirmed that the first shipment of veterinary medicine to the Halal market was an important event for the province in particular and Vietnam’s agriculture in general, proving the development of the domestic production of veterinary medicinal products to meet international standards. Read full story/.

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