☀️ Morning digest October 26

The following is a list of selected news summaries last night by the Vietnam News Agency.
☀️ Morning digest October 26 ảnh 1

Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

-Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong hosted a reception on October 25 for President of the Cambodian Senate and Vice President of the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP), Samdech Say Chhum, who is on an official visit to Vietnam.

General Secretary Trong praised the significance and results of the visit of the Cambodian Senate leader, saying that it contributes to deepening the Vietnam-Cambodia relations.Read full story

-President Nguyen Xuan Phuc hosted the visiting President of the Cambodian Senate in Hanoi on October 25.

Both host and guest expressed their delight at positive developments of the countries’ cooperation despite the COVID-19 pandemic.Read full story

-Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh called for solidarity and the sharing of resources to study and produce vaccines and build an advanced bio-medical industry while delivering a pre-recorded speech at the World Bio Summit on October 25.

The COVID-19 pandemic and health crisis have attested the significance of accelerating vaccine research and production as well as the bio-medical industry, the leader explained.

PM Chinh also stressed the need to promote a modern health sector to effectively cope with diseases and ensure equal access to vaccines and other health products globally.Read full story

-Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan emphasised the pride of the Vietnamese and Cambodian Parties and States in young generations at a reception for a visiting delegation of the Cambodian Union of Youth Federations in Hanoi on October 25.

She said given quick changes and complicated developments in the regional and the world, Vietnam wishes Cambodia to further promote sound traditions shared between the two Parties and States so that the two sides can continue supporting each other at multilateral forums and in the international arena for mutual benefits and for peace, stability, and development in ASEAN and the world.Read full story

-Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception in Hanoi on October 25 for Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Security General Vilay Lakhamphong.

Vilay Lakhamphong has been in Vietnam to attend a conference reviewing the 2022 cooperation plan and the bilateral ministerial-level meeting between the two Ministries of Public Security over collaboration in drug prevention and control.Read full story

-Vietnamese Minister of Public Security General To Lam has suggested his ministry and its Lao counterpart step up information exchange, and coordinate in preventing impacts of non-traditional security threats on their cooperation.

Co-chairing a conference reviewing the implementation of the 2022 cooperation plan and outlining another for 2023 between the two Ministries of Public Security on October 25, Lam said the two sides should accelerate the implementation of international treaties and agreements to which both are members.Read full story

-Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha and his Lao counterpart Bounkham Vorachit held talks in Hanoi on October 25 in a bid to strengthen the countries’ collaboration.

Ha said the two ministries have engaged in practical and effective joint works, particularly regarding the areas of meteorology - hydrology, water resources, environmental protection, geology – minerals, and capacity building, knowledge and experience sharing.Read full story

-The 10th meeting of the Vietnam - Singapore joint working group on defence cooperation was held virtually on October 25.

The event was co-chaired by Major General Vu Thanh Van, Director of the Department of Foreign Relations at the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence and Colonel Phua Jia Kai, Director of the Defence Policy Office at the Singaporean Ministry of Defence.Read full story

-Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang on October 25 said the Vietnamese Embassy in the Republic of Korea (RoK) has worked with RoK agencies to find out more information about a case of about 100 Vietnamese citizens who could not be contacted after their entry into the country as tourists.  

According to the official, initial information showed that those people could not be contacted after they entered the RoK for tourism purpose through the Yangyang International Airport in Gangwon province, therefore relevant airlines and travel companies have to suspend their transport of tourists to the province’s Yangyang island until the end of October 31.Read full story

-Foreigners who are seeking e-visas should search for information in advance and access the right website, the Immigration Department under the Ministry of Public Security said on October 25.

The e-visa fee, 25 USD as regulated by the Ministry of Finance, should be paid via the electronic payment gateway, the ministry said after a number of businesses and individuals published false information on some websites and social networks to increase the fee.Read full story

-Lieut. Gen. To An Xo, Chief of the Office and Spokesman of the Ministry of Public Security, said on October 25 that the ministry will continue to verify, investigate and strictly punish those who spread false and inaccurate information causing public concern and hurting economic, financial, monetary and investment security.

Xo said under the regular and close direction of the central steering committee for anti-corruption and negative phenomena, law enforcement agencies have handled a number of economic violation cases like those at Viet A Company, FLC Group, Tan Hoang Minh Group and An Dong Investment Group Corporation.Read full story/.


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