Hanoi (VNA) – Western area was the major supplier of condominiumprojects in the capital city of Hanoi, accounting for 77 percent of the totalnew units in the third quarter, said CBRE Vietnam, a provider of commercialreal estate services, at a meeting in Hanoi on October 9.
According to Nguyen Hoai An, Director – Professional Services at CBRE Vietnam, theHanoi residential market shows a clear trend of decentralisation with newprojects in Thanh Tri and Hoai Duc districts, sparked by well-developedinfrastructure in the localities.
During July-September, there were nearly 6,100 apartments put up for sale from18 projects across the city, sliding 33 percent from the previous quarter. Intotal, around 26,800 units were launched in the first nine months of this year,a year-on-year surge of 37 percent.
In terms of sales performance, 4,800 units were sold in Q3, down 32 percentquarter-to-quarter.
Although there has been a decrease in the number of units sold in this quarter,the ratio of this group to launched volume was the same as previous quarters,An said, adding this means the market still remains stable.
CBRE experts believe that the Hanoi real estate market will welcome a plentifulsupply from large-scale projects in Q4 and in the coming years. Notableprojects are BRG & Sumitomo Smart City in Dong Anh district and GamudaLakes in Hoang Mai district.
Regarding the retail market, Aeon Mall Ha Dong and FLC Twin Towers, which willbecome operational in the end of this year, are expected to add over 88,000square metres to the total retail space. With new designs and diversificationin industries, the shopping malls are expected to bring more benefits toretailers who are seeking opportunities outside the CBD areas.
However, CBRE experts said the distribution of large shopping malls around thecity will create real challenges as there is no concentrated area for shoppingin the city./.