Myanmar: Ethnic armed groups agree to join peace process

The two powerful ethnic armed groups based in the Wa and Mongla autonomous zones of Myanmar have reportedly accepted invitations to participate in the government’s peace process.
Myanmar: Ethnic armed groups agree to join peace process ảnh 1Aung San Suu Kyi (Source: VNA/Xinhua)

Hanoi (VNA)
– The two powerful ethnic armed groups based in the Wa and Mongla autonomous zones of Myanmar have reportedly accepted invitations to participate in the government’s peace process, according to a member of the government negotiating team.

The groups were invited to join the nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA), attend the 21st-century Panglong Conference and meet with the heads of state, according to U Khin Zaw Oo, a member of the government peace delegation led by U Tin Myo Win, who was appointed the National League for Democracy government’s chief peace negotiator.

The groups accepted the invitation, added U Khin Zaw Oo.

The United Wa State Army and the National Democratic Alliance Army did not join the NCA under the administration of President Thein Sein. The two groups are controlling large areas in Shan State.

The United Wa State Army is the largest ethnic armed fighting force in the country.-VNA


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