Myanmar excavates ancient cities for tourism development

Myanmar is carrying out archaelogical excavation at three ancient cities with the aim of developing tourism under a cultural heritage conservation plan, local media reported on May 9.
Myanmar excavates ancient cities for tourism development ảnh 1Pyu ancient cities in Myanmar (Source:
Hanoi (VNA) – Myanmar is carrying out archaelogical excavation at three ancient cities with the aim of developing tourism under a cultural heritage conservation plan, local media reported on May 9.

The three ancient cities namely Hanlin, Beikthano and Sri Kestra, which was recognised as World Heritage sites by UNESCO in 2014, have attracted numerous domestic and international visitors.

The brick-walled and moated ancient cities, which are located in vast irrigated landscapes in the dry zone of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) River basin, bear the imprints of the Pyu Kingdom that flourished for over 1,000 years from 200BC to 900AD.

Excavations have revealed the remnants of palaces, burial grounds and early industrial production sites as well as brick Buddhist stupas.-VNA

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