Myanmar to open more border trade points with Thailand

Myanmar will open three more border trade points with Thailand in a bid to promote border trade with the neighbouring country in the southeast.
Myanmar to open more border trade points with Thailand ảnh 1A bridge connecting Myanmar and Thailand (Source: wikipedia)

Myanmar will open three more border trade points with Thailand in a bid to promote border trade with the neighbouring country in the southeast, the Myawaddy Daily reported on September 7.

Of the three border trade points, two are in southern Taninthayi region and one is in eastern Kayah state.

Myanmar authorities are negotiating with Thailand over the opening of those three border trade points which will bring the total trade points with neighbo u ring countries to 15.

At present, Myanmar has four trade points along its shared border with China, four with Thailand, two with India and two with Bangladesh.

Myanmar's border trade amounted to 2.698 billion USD in the first five months of the fiscal year 2015- 2016, according to statistics of the Ministry of Commerce.-VNA


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