Accordingly, budget revenues are projected at 816 trillion VND (roughly38.8 billion USD) while spending would be 978 trillion VND (46.5 billionUSD). This would translate into a deficit of 162 trillion VND,equivalent to 4.8 percent of GDP.
The resolutionrequests that the government pursue a tight fiscal policy in combinationwith suitable monetary policies to curb inflation and maintain a stablemacro economy, while seeking ways to fully tap domestic and foreignresources for restoring production, stimulating business and boostingeconomic growth.
The NA also requires thegovernment to strictly manage spending activities to preventwastefulness and corruption, and promote thrifty spending. Newconstruction and projects will be limited next year in order to savemoney to pay for completed projects or those slated to complete within2013.
The minimum wage will be adjusted up by 100,000 VND to 1.15 million VND by July 1 next year.-VNA