Hanoi (VNA) – National Assembly Chairwoman NguyenThi Kim Ngan had a meeting in Hanoi on August 15 with President of theCambodian National Assembly Samdech Heng Samrin who is in Vietnam forthe national mourning of former Party General Secretary Le KhaPhieu.
On behalf of the Party, State, NA and the people of Vietnam,Chairwoman Ngan thanked King Norodom Sihamoni, President of the CambodianPeople's Party (CPP) and Prime Minister Hun Sen, President of the CambodianNational Assembly Heng Samrin and President of the Cambodian SenateSay Chhum for their condolences to Vietnamese Party GeneralSecretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong, other Vietnameseleaders and the family of former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu.
She said the Vietnamese Party, State, NA and people will join effortswith the Cambodian People’s Party, State, National Assembly and people ofCambodia to nurture, foster and deepen the good neighbours, traditionalfriendship, comprehensive, sustainable and long-term cooperation betweenVietnam and Cambodia across fields, benefiting people of the two nations, andpeace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.
For his part, Heng Samrin expressed his deep condolences over the death ofVietnamese former leader, stressing that former Party General Secretary Le KhaPhieu was a very good friend of Cambodia, who had directly involved in thebuilding and development of Cambodia after the country escaped from the genocidal regime, and regularly promoted the strengthening of bilateralrelations.
Heng Samrin affirmed that he will work to further promote the Cambodia-Vietnamrelations, for the benefit of the two peoples, for peace, stability,cooperation and development in the region and the world.
He spoke highly of Vietnam’s attainments underthe leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), and expressed hisbelief that the Vietnamese people will obtain greater achievements in its nationalbuilding and safeguarding.
He highly appreciated cooperation and close coordinationbetween the two countries in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Heng Samrin also congratulated Vietnam on its successfulorganisation of the 36th ASEAN Summit, highlighting the importance of the eventin the context that regional countries are facing difficulties in responding tothe COVID-19 crisis.
He expressed his belief that Vietnam will also successfully organise the41st General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-ParliamentaryAssembly (AIPA 41), and affirmed that the National Assembly of Cambodia isready to support and cooperate with the Vietnamese National Assembly tocontribute to the success of the event.
He took this occasion to thank the Party, State and people of Vietnam for theirhelp and support for the Cambodian People’s Party, the State and people ofCambodia during their national liberation and their getting rid of genocide aswell as the present national building and development.
NA Chairwoman Ngan praised Cambodia's efforts in the fight against COVID-19.She suggested the two countries continue to work closely and inform each other aboutpolicies and measures to prevent and control the pandemic.
Border localities of the two countries need to strengthencoordination in medical quarantine so as to both contain the spread of thedisease and maintain border trade between the two countries, she said.
Applauding the two NAs’ ratification of the 2019 Supplementary Treaty and theProtocol on the Demarcation and Marker Planting of Land Boundary, and thesigning of legal documents that acknowledging the progress in land borderdemarcation and marker planting between the two countries achieved 84 percentso far, Ngan said that these are very important basis for the two sides tobuild a border of peace, friendship and sustainable cooperation.
She proposed the two countries’ NAs continue working closely to support theirgovernments to quickly complete the next relevant work.
NA Chairwoman Ngan thanked Cambodia for its contributions toVietnam’s ASEAN Year 2020, and the 36th ASEAN Summit’s success, expressing herhope that Cambodia will continue to support ASEAN’s common perception, and closelycoordinate with Vietnam to help the country fulfil its role as the ASEAN Chair2020, the President of AIPA 41 in 2020, and the non-permanent member of the UNSecurity Council in the 2020-2021 term.
She affirmed Vietnam pledges to support and coordinate closely with Cambodia to successfullyorganise the 13th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 13) next year./.