NA deputies back plan on vote of confidence

The National Assembly (NA) deputies backed the promulgation of a resolution on conducting votes of confidence on persons holding positions elected or approved by the NA or People’s Councils, at their group discussion on October 29.
The National Assembly (NA) deputies backed the promulgation of a resolution on conducting votes of confidence on persons holding positions elected or approved by the NA or People’s Councils, at their group discussion on October 29.

The deputies said that the resolution will help the NA and People’s Councils improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their supervision of those officials.

They said the resolution is necessary and fit current laws and regulations. However, many think it should focus only on those holding key positions that could affect the country’s socio-economic development.

Deputies suggested that the NA should only conduct vote of confidence on the 49 important positions, including the NA Chair and Deputy Chairs, heads of the NA Committees and Councils, NA Standing Committee members, the State President and Vice President, the Prime Minister and Deputy PMs, other Cabinet members, the Chief Judge of the Supreme People’s Court, the Chief of the Supreme People’s Procuracy and the Auditor General of the State Audit.

It will be unnecessary and unrealistic for the resolution to cover all members of the all NA Committees, they said, adding that the confidence vote should be conducted yearly instead of every two years as the proposal outlines.

The NA members, however, still differed over the levels to assess the confidence in an official.

Some said that the confidence assessment should be divided into three levels (high, medium and low) without the extra “no comment” option proposed in the draft, while the others think there should be only two levels of “confidence” and “no confidence”.

Also the day, the NA deputies listened to a report on the draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution and examined five bills.

Chairman of the NA’s Law Committee Phan Trung Ly said the amended Constitution will lay a foundation for implementing economic and political reforms, protecting the country and integrating into the world economy.

The law committee suggested holding a referendum on the draft amendments from January 2 to March 31. The referendum will be organised so that every social class could have their say on every aspect of the amended constitution.

Regarding the Land Law project, the report presented by Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Nguyen Minh Quang affirmed that the Land Law will be amended from the perspective that land is owned by the people as a whole and is managed by the State on behalf of the people.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat presented the draft of the Law on Disaster Preparedness and Prevention, which aims to make the country more efficient in dealing with natural calamities.

Minister of Justice Ha Hung Cuong presented the drafted law on reconciliation work at the local level while Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang delivered the draft law on terrorism prevention and control, which he said will create a solid framework for anti-terrorism activities.-VNA

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