Hanoi (VNA) – Legislators looked into several proposals and reports on May 29 morningduring the eighth working day of the 14th National Assembly (NA)’songoing seventh session.
Ministerof Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung and Chairman of the NA’s Committeeon Finance and Budget presented a proposal and an evaluation report on theallocation of standby capital sourced from the state budget and 10 trillion VND(430 million USD) from the adjustment in capital for major national projectsincluded in the 2016-2020 mid-term public investment plan.
VicePresident Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh delivered another proposal regarding Vietnam’sparticipation in the International Labour Organisation’s Convention on the application of principles of theright to organise and bargain collectively.
Lawmakersalso heard a report on the convention presented by Minister of Labour, Invalidsand Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung and an evaluation report on Vietnam’s joining theconvention by Chairman of the NA’s Committee for External Affairs Nguyen Van Giau.
Theythen scrutinised a proposal and a report on the draft revised Labour Code byDung and Chairman of the NA’s Committee for Social Affairs Nguyen Thuy Anh.
NAdeputies offered opinions on contentious contents of the draft amended Law on theExecution of Civil Judgments.
Duringthe morning’s group discussions, they exchanged views on the application anduse of standby capital for the mid-term public investment plan for 2016-2020.
Inthe afternoon, they continued to work in groups to debate Vietnam’s joining of ConventionNo.98 and the draft revised Labour Code.
Thedeputies are expected to engage in a plenary session on May 30 to give furtheropinions on the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and statebudget in 2018 and the first months of 2019, along with the state budgetbalance in 2017.
Theworking session will be broadcast live on the Vietnam Television, the NA’s TV channel,and the Radio Voice of Vietnam radio. –VNA