NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said the committee will discuss adjustmentsto the draft Law on Archives (revised), which is scheduled to be submitted tothe NA’s 7th session in May.
Members of the committee will give ideas to a draft Law onamendments and supplements to some articles of the Law on Guard Force, aiming to legalisethe 13th National Party Congress’ resolution and the Politburo’sResolution No. 12-NQ/TW regarding the strengthening of building the People’sSecurity Force, specify the Constitution’s regulations and dealing with someproblems in the field.
At the same time, they will consider a proposal of the Supreme People’sProcuracy on assigning an additional number of procurators to the People'sProcuracies.
They will discuss a report on the people's aspirations in January 2024, including those in December 2023.
At the session, the committee also deliberate a draft report summarising the 15NA’s 5th extraordinary session and assessing the significance of the session,during which important laws such as the Land Law (revised) and Law on CreditInstitutions (revised) were adopted.
According to NA Chairman Hue, on the threshold of the NA’s 7th session, the workload is high with the consideration of many bills anddraft resolutions. Therefore, he requested relevant agencies to speed uppreparations for two meetings of the NA Standing Committee in March./.