A report by the team pointed to a number of limitations in legal regulations and policies in the field as well as theirimplementation, and recommended solutions in the short, medium and long terms,said Cuong at the NA Standing Committee’s 27th session on October12.
Explaining some issues discussed at the session, Chairman ofthe NA Committee for Science, Technology and Environment and deputy head ofthe supervision team Le Quang Huy said that the focal point of the team’ssupervision is power prices, including financial investment mechanisms in theelectricity sector, and ensuring financial investment mechanisms for electricenergy security.
Regarding just energy transition, he said this is animportant goal that need the support from international community in terms ofcapital, technology and governance capacity.
NA Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong said that the report should further clarifyproblems in managing the prices of power, coal, gas and petrol, pointing out thereasons and responsibility of particular agencies.
Besides, it is necessary to make more careful assessment ofthe implementation of the National Power Development Plan for the 2011-2020period (PDP 7), and the settlement of problems in power planning andtransmission, he said.
He also asked the team to define major solutions and thescenario to ensure power security, and solutions to the power planning andpower infrastructure issues.
Deputy Government Inspector General Le Sy Bay asked the NA inspection team toadd to the report contents related to the adjustment of power and petrol pricedefinition mechanism, power resources and power grid management.

Meanwhile, the a resolution in the work should give major contents to beimplemented in the time to come, including the just energy transition, theremoval of bottlenecks in institution and policy regarding energy development, hesaid, stressing the need for the addition of data and updates on the realsituation in the draft resolution.
According to the supervision report, in the 2016-2021period, along with achievements in power supply for socio-economic activities,there were still a number of shortcomings, including those on developing solarand wind power as well as small-scale hydropower plants, and the powerinfrastructure development.
Greater attention has been paid to economical and efficientuse of energy, and energy transition in an equal and sustainable manner, itsaid. It underlined that the energy transition process in Vietnam requires hugeinvestment capital, changes in mindset, management methods, and technologicalinnovation, while the scale of the country's economy is still modest, and the domesticenergy market has been increasingly dependent on the world energy market. Thishas continued to affect and pose many challenges for the country in energydevelopment, especially ensuring immediate and long-term energy security, saidthe report./.