NA’s ninth session to begin on May 20

The ninth session of the National Assembly (NA) is scheduled to begin on May 20 and conclude on June 19.
NA’s ninth session to begin on May 20 ảnh 1NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (Photo: VNA) 

Hanoi (VNA)
- The ninth session of the National Assembly (NA) is scheduled to begin on May 20 and conclude on June 19.

During the 44th meeting of the NA Standing Committee in Hanoi on April 24, NA General Secretary and Chairman of the NA Office Nguyen Hanh Phuc said the ninth session will be divided into online meetings from May 20 to 30 and a plenary session from June 10 to 19.

The online meetings will feature the opening ceremony, a government report on socio-economic performance, a report on public opinions and petitions, and discussions on draft laws and resolutions to be submitted to the legislature for approval.

During the plenary session, lawmakers will discuss and decide upon several socioeconomic issues, the national target programme on socioeconomic development for ethnic minorities, the establishment of a national election council, personnel matters, and the ratification of draft laws discussed at the online meetings. It will end with a closing ceremony.

Phuc said the session’s agenda will be sent to legislators prior to the opening ceremony and be adopted via a mobile app.

Regarding meetings of NA deputies and voters, the secretary general suggested that such meetings can be held as normal in localities with risk or low risk of COVID-19 but regulations on epidemic prevention and control must be ensured.

In high-risk areas, delegations of NA deputies can inform the public about the NA’s agenda via the mass media and work with the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF)’s provincial chapters to collect public feedback to send to the NA Standing Committee and the VFF Central Committee.

NA Vice Chairman Phung Quoc Hien said that as the Government is focusing on coping with the pandemic in combination with socio-economic development, the NA’s Question-and-Answer session would be delayed until the next session. 

Chairwoman of the NA’s Committee for Judicial Affairs Le Thi Nga proposed that lawmakers send questions to heads of ministries and departments so they can reply in writing.  

Concluding the meeting, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said the ninth session is a special one, which will offer a chance to renew the legislature’s activities, reflecting on national solidarity following the epidemic to restore the economy and stabilise people’s lives./.


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