NA’s third session: Innovations, actions for sake of people

The third session of the 14th National Assembly closed in Hanoi on June 21 after one month of working, marking significant innovations in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the legislature’s activities.
NA’s third session: Innovations, actions for sake of people ảnh 1A view of the third session of the 14th National Assembly (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The third session of the 14th National Assembly closed in Hanoi on June 21 after one month of working, marking significant innovations in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the legislature’s activities.

During the session, the NA extended the duration of discussions about the socio-economic situation and State budget to enable more deputies to share opinions and make recommendations to of the country’s important issues. The discussions were also broadcast live to help voters across the country follow.

The legislature spent a day-off (Saturday) of the first working week on deliberating further the draft Penal Code and devoted more time to debating the bill on amendments and supplements to some articles of the Penal Code whose contents remain contentious.

After the discussions, there remained 24 deputies who had registered but yet to speak. Therefore, the NA Standing Committee hosted a conference for legislators to contribute ideas to the bill on amendments and supplements to some articles of the Penal Code.

Law-making dominated the session’s agenda with debates over daft laws joined by ministers and heads of sectors, during which deputies had opportunities to exchange views with each other and with compiling boards.

The Planning Law failed to get approval from the legislature as expected due to its contentious contents. The bill needs more studies and improvements to ensure its quality and feasibility before being submitted to the next session of the 14th NA.

During the three-day question-and-answer (Q&A) session, up to 58 NA deputies joined the debates, equivalent to 30 percent of the number of deputies who raised questions to the responsible persons.

With a half day increase from the previous sessions, this session helped elucidate more issues relating to the management and operation work and clear up concerns and aspirations of voters.

At the session, the legislators’ right to debate was promoted in the frank, responsible and constructive spirit. Also through the Q &A session, ministers and cabinet members can fully explain what they have done, being done or not done yet; point out difficulties, and give future orientations and feasible measures.

In her closing speech, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan spoke highly of the ebullient atmosphere of the discussions and debates, showing the shift from the “legislature of report” to the “legislature of debate”.

A highlight of the Q&A session was that together with heads of sectors, Deputy Prime Ministers also directly participated in explaining and clearing up issues which are beyond of the management of ministries. In the last half day of the session, Deputy PM Truong Hoa Binh directly responded to NA deputies’ questions on issues relating to the Government’s responsibility, helping voters and people better understand the government's policies and jobs that would be deployed in the coming time.

The third session of the 14th National Assembly continued to see the spirit of innovations, creativeness and action for the sake of people and the nation as enthusiastic comments have been exchanged and discussed straightly by deputies on issues, especially in building laws, making decisions on the nation’s important matters, and supreme supervision. The move laid a foundation for the next effective activities of the NA - the highest representative of the people.-VNA

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