National Assembly Chairman continues activities in Japan

During his official visit to Japan, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung on December 6 had meetings with former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and representatives from the Communist Party of Japan (CPJ) and the Japan Federation of Economic Organisations (Keidanren).
During his official visit to Japan, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung on December 6 had meetings with former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and representatives from the Communist Party of Japan (CPJ) and the Japan Federation of Economic Organisations (Keidanren).

He also received former President of the Japan-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Alliance and two honourary consuls of Vietnam in Hokkaido and Aichi prefectures.

Receiving Hatoyama, Hung said the Vietnam-Japan strategic partnership continues to enjoy strong, comprehensive and practical developments despite complicated political and economic situations in the region and the world.

The Vietnamese State and people place great importance on the deepening of the friendly relationship and comprehensive cooperation with Japan, and consider it a priority in the country’s foreign policy, he added.

Hatoyama expressed his gratitude for Vietnam ’s support during Japan ’s devastating earthquake and tsunami in March, 2011.

He said he hopes the two countries will boost cooperation in the fields of healthcare, culture and education.

At his meeting with CPJ representative Ogata Yasuo, Chairman Hung thanked the party for its support in Vietnam ’s struggle for national liberation and the cause of national construction and development.

The legislative leader noted that the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) maintains and tries its utmost to boost international cooperative activities, and expand ties with other communist and ruling parties for peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

The CPV wants to work with the CPJ to build cooperative programmes and initiatives to boost deeper and practical bilateral ties between the two countries.

Yasuo valued the achievements gained by Vietnam in recent times under the leadership of the CPV. He suggested the two parties strengthen discussions on theory and communism to lift their relations to a new height.

Receiving Tsutomu Takebe, former President of the Japan-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Alliance, Hung affirmed that Takebe’s efforts have contributed to intensifying the strategic partnership and nurtured the friendship between the two countries. He hoped that Takebe will continue participating in activities to promote bilateral relations in the time to come.

Addressing the meeting with the two honourary consuls, Chairman Hung stressed that the results both countries have achieved in cooperation are due to joint efforts and contributions from the two States and peoples, including the two honourary consuls.

The same day, he met representatives from the Japan Federation of Economic Organisations (Keidanren).-VNA

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