National Assembly to adopt two laws on June 14

The National Assembly is expected to adopt the draft law on amendments and supplements to several articles of the Law on Sports and Physical Training and the bill on Measurement and Map on June 14.
National Assembly to adopt two laws on June 14 ảnh 1National Assembly deputies gather at a sitting (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The National Assembly is expected to adopt the draft law on amendments and supplements to several articles of the Law on Sports and Physical Training and the bill on Measurement and Map on June 14.

The two draft laws were first discussed at the fourth NA session and tabled again for examination during the fifth session before being put out for vote.

Also during the day, the National Assembly will debate the draft Law on the People’s Public Security Force (revised) and the draft Law on Animal Husbandry.

The Law on the People’s Public Security Force was passed by the 13th legislature at its eighth session in 2014 and took effect on July 1, 2015.

The revision and supplementation of the law is essential to ensure social order and safety, national defence and security, and crime prevention.

Meanwhile, the Law on Animal Husbandry aims at meeting demand for management and sustainable development of the animal farming sector toward modern production, supply chains formation, food safety and environmental protection. The law is also designed to address legal shortcomings in the sector, while protecting the rights and increasing the responsibilities of people involved, ensuring food safety, and boosting the sector competiveness.

The ongoing fifth session of the 14th NA opened on May 21 and is scheduled to conclude on June 15.-VNA

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