Addressing thefunction in Song Ho commune, Thuan Thanh district, Deputy Minister HoangVan Thang noted that water as vital for social development.
As a locality posting high industrial growth, Bac Ninh suffers fromserious pollution, especially in its rivers. This affects human healthand agricultural production.
Under the nationaltarget programme on clean water and environmental sanitation, up to 95percent of rural households in Bac Ninh have access to clean water and63 percent of them have hygienic latrines.
Inresponse to the national week, agencies and units across the provincehave focused on building, managing, operating and maintainingsustainable water supply facilities. More attention has also been paidto inspections of water quality.
On thisoccasion, a water plant worth 17 billion VND (799,000 USD) wasinaugurated in Song Ho commune. With a capacity of 960 cubic metres perday, the factory will provide clean water to nearly 6,000 localhouseholds.-VNA