National grid comes to two island communes in Quang Ninh

The two island communes of Quan Lan and Minh Chau in northern Quang Ninh province officially accessed the national power grid on December 15.
The two island communes of Quan Lan and Minh Chau in northern Quang Ninh province officially accessed the national power grid on December 15.

This is part of the project to bring electricity to five communes including Ban Sen, Quan Lan, Minh Chau, Ngoc Vung and Thang Loi in Van Don district with a total investment of 305 billion VND (14.5 million USD) funded by the provincial People’s Committee, the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) and the Northern Power Corporation (EVN NPC).

In early December, Ban Sen commune had access to the national power grid. Ngoc Vung and Thang Loi communes are scheduled to benefit from the project by the end of this month.

The five communes have 2,568 households.

Earlier, a similar project was carried out to bring electricity to Co To island district.-VNA

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