According to DeputyMinister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Le Van Thanh, the national targetprogramme has focused on helping impoverished communities and people livingin difficult areas access basic social services, gain employment, and improve incomes and the quality of life. The programme also aims to assist areasto escape extremely difficult situations, contributing to promoting sustainablesocioeconomic development and poverty reduction.
The programme hascontributed to reducing the poverty rate by 1 to 1.5% per year,with that in ethnic minorities decreasing by over 3% per year.
Nine localities nationwide have issued multidimensional poverty standards for the 2021-2025 period, while fourothers implemented specific poverty reduction policies for social welfare beneficiaries.
It is expected thatthe multidimensional poverty rate in Vietnam willreduce to 2.93%, and the ratioof poor households in poor districts and ethnic minority areas will be brought down to 33%and 7.82%, respectively, by the end of this year.
According to the Ministry of of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, theSteering Committee for nationaltarget programmes for the 2021-2025 will implement policies related to preferentialcredit, vocational training, healthcare and legal assistance, and supporting labourersfrom poor and ethnic minority households to work abroad.
Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung, who is also vicehead of the Steering Committee, said the ministry will accelerate the disbursement of capital allocated to the programme in 2023 and continue to effectively implement projects and sub-projects under the programme. He added that the ministry will research and perfect the multidimensional poverty standards in alignment with sustainable development goals.