Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy

Naval Infantry Force performs its roles of defending islands, landing on shores or islands occupied by enemies, protecting Vietnam’s sovereignty over territorial sea and land.
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 1Vietnamese Naval Infantry Force joins with other armed forces to make landing in Ta Lon landing campaign which aims to free Kampong Son and Ream ports, beginning to assist Cambodian people in the fight against Pol Pot genocidal regime, January 1979 (Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 2Vietnamese Naval Infantry Force joins with other armed forces to make landing in Ta Lon landing campaign which aims to free Kampong Son and Ream ports, beginning to assist Cambodian people in the fight against Pol Pot genocidal regime, January 1979 (Photo: Archives/VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 3Vietnamese Naval Infantry Force joins with other armed forces to make landing in Ta Lon landing campaign which aims to free Kampong Son and Ream ports, beginning to assist Cambodian people in the fight against Pol Pot genocidal regime, January 1979 (Photo: Archives/VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 4Vietnamese Naval Infantry Force joins with other armed forces to make landing in Ta Lon landing campaign which aims to free Kampong Son and Ream ports, beginning to assist Cambodian people in the fight against Pol Pot genocidal regime, January 1979 (Photo: Archives/VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 5(Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 6Naval soldiers from Naval Infantry Brigade 147 are on practice (Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 7(Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 8(Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 9Officers from Naval Infantry Brigade 147 practice ambushing and hitting targets (Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 10Vietnamese Naval Infantry Force is a well-trained combatant force which always stand ready for any circumstances (Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 11Naval soldiers under Naval Infantry Brigade 147 are equipped with a wide range of modern weapons and equipment (Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 12(Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 13(Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 14Naval soldiers under Naval Infantry Brigade 147 on training (Photo: VNA)
Naval Infantry: Elite force of Vietnam People’s Navy ảnh 15(Photo: VNA)

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