Nearly 2 million people join in environmental protection activities

Close to 2 million people nationwide directly participated in activities in response to the “Action month for environment” and World Environment Day.
Nearly 2 million people join in environmental protection activities ảnh 1Raising public awareness on environment protection (Photo:VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Close to 2 million people nationwide directly participated in activities in response to the “Action month for environment” and World Environment Day.

Vo Viet Dung, Director of the Centre for Environmental Training and  Communication under the Vietnam Environment Administration, revealed this information at a conference held in Hanoi on January 12 to review the “Action month for environment.”

The activities focused on tackling urgent environmental issues in localities, such as cleaning up the environment, protecting mangrove forests and planting forests, to reduce environmental pollution and encourage environmental protection movements.

As a result, about 250,000 tonnes of garbage were collected and treated, while nearly 24,000 km of road and sewer were cleaned up during the action month.

Almost 20,000 training courses on environmental protection were held across the country.

The administration coordinated with Panasonic Vietnam to organise four lessons on the environment, aiming at enhancing public awareness of using environmentally-friendly products.

At the conference, the administration proposed plans for the “Action month for environment 2017”, the selection of the Environment Ambassador, and the organisation of fairs and exhibitions showcasing ecological products and environmental technologies.-VNA


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