New York (VNA) – The support of up to 192 of the 193United Nations member states for Vietnam to become a non-permanent member ofthe UN Security Council (UNSC) for 2020-2021 shows that the country has a “veryspecial position in the heart of the international community”, said DeputyForeign Minister Le Hoai Trung.
He made the remark in an interview with theVietnam News Agency after the election result was announced on June 7.
Trung noted during the preparation process,Vietnam had expected to win a big number of votes, but only few people hadthought of such a high result. This showed the international community’s highappreciation of Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peaceand development, the country’s stature in the international arena, along withits reform achievements.
The UNSC is the most important organ of the UNthat has the leading responsibility for maintaining global peace and securityunder the UN Charter. It is also the only UN organ with the power to makedecisions about peace and security which members are obliged to follow, andthose decisions directly affect countries.
Vietnam was a UNSC non-permanent member in 2008-2009.However, the world’s context is more complicated now, the official said, notingthe Middle East’s situation, the differences between big countries, and theAsia-Pacific region where there exist many risks and challenges to peace andsecurity that are bigger than those 10 years ago, when Vietnam served in thispost for the first time.
The deputy minister also pointed out manyadvantages for the country, elaborating that peace and development are stillthe trend, and Vietnam has gained more experience.
Notably, the country’s foreign policy of peace,cooperation, and multilateralisation and diversification of foreign relations,as well as its major viewpoints in the international community and the UNSC’sagenda, has been supported by other countries, Trung added.-VNA