On the occasion, devices and documents forbook-reading activity were also presented to 10 schools in the locality.
At the ceremony, Deputy Director of theprovincial department Trinh Dinh Duong spoke highly of the role of books andaffirmed that the library will help teachers and students acquire knowledge,thus improving their studies.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, 10 schoollibraries were built in Quang Binh while book-reading events were arranged forlocal primary students.
In addition, this year, the Taiwan-basedorganisation handed over grants worth nearly 1 billion VND (43,100 USD) tofoster book-reading activities of 23 schools in Quang Binh.
Present in Vietnam since 1995, the foundationhas funded numerous long-term health and education projects to helpdisadvantaged children.
In 2017, it gave scholarships to 3,234 poorstudents, and funded the building of semi-boarding nursery schools, benefiting6,500 children.
As many as 2,716 children with disabilitieshave received free orthopaedic surgeries funded by the organisation since2001./.