Nigerian gets death sentence for drug trafficking

HCM City People's Court on April 22 sentenced a Nigerian citizen to death and four other foreigners from 15 to 20 years in jail for operating a trans-border drug trafficking ring.
HCM City People's Court on April 22 sentenced a Nigerian citizen to death and four other foreigners from 15 to 20 years in jail for operating a trans-border drug trafficking ring.

After a three-day trial, the court found Nnaji David Ete, 33, guilty as he led a drug trafficking ring, which included his wife, a local man and four foreigners.

His wife, Phan Thi Thanh Le, 31, from southern Binh Duong province and Doan Nguyen Minh Chau, 32, have to spend their whole lives in jail for the same charge.

The four foreigners including Chukwuma Obi Remy, 41, Okapor Peter Chuma, 36, Nnamdi Aghaji, 33, Regina Whing Wiri, 32, got 15 to 20 years in prison.

Nnaji David Ete came to Viet Nam as a tourist and stayed here illegally and married Le. Between 2006 and 2009, he transported heroin from Thailand to HCM City , and China .

Nnaji David Ete later established contact with many people in India and Malaysia to set up the trans-national drug ring.

After bringing heroin to HCM City , Nnaji David Ete and his wife hired Chau and other people to transport it to China 's Guangzhou , with the accumulated amount of more than 11,000kg.

They hid heroin inside their slippers, books, dictionaries, paintings and others for transport to other countries./.

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