Ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians adopts statement

The 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Hanoi adopted a statement highlighting the role of young people in accelerating the realisation of sustainable development goals through digital transformation and innovation, and promoted respect for cultural diversity in support of sustainable development at closing session of the event on September 16.
Ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians adopts statement ảnh 1Dan Carden, Member of Parliament of the UK, President of the Board of the IPU Forum of Young Parliamentarians, and Vietnamse NA delegate Ha Anh Phuong present the Conference Statement on the role of youth in promoting the implementation of the sustainable development goals through digital transformation and innovation. (Photo: VNA

Hanoi (VNA) – The 9th GlobalConference of Young Parliamentarians in Hanoi adopted a statement highlighting the role ofyoung people in accelerating the realisation of sustainable development goalsthrough digital transformation and innovation, and promoted respect forcultural diversity in support of sustainable development at closing session ofthe event on September 16.

The following is the full statement

On “The role of youth in accelerating the achievement of the SDGs through digitaltransformation and innovation” at the Ninth IPU Global Conference of YoungParliamentarians
in 14 – 17 September 2023 in Ha Noi, Viet Nam

We, over 200 youngparliamentarians, came together at the Ninth Global Conference of YoungParliamentarians in 14 – 17 September 2023 in Ha Noi, Viet Nam to affirm ourcommitment to accelerating the achievement of the SDGs, especially throughdigital transformation and innovation. Our average age was 37.8 years andapproximately 37 % of us were women MPs. Representatives from global andregional organizations, youth groups, start-ups, academia, and influentialleaders of IPU and Viet Nam. We are delighted that the Conference coincidedwith the United Nations' International Day for Democracyon 15 September.

Our meeting in Viet Nam markedthe 8th anniversary of the Hanoi Declaration on the SDG, adopted by theInter-Parliamentary Union in 2015, and setting out the commitment ofparliamentarians to address global development priorities. As we pass themid-way point of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), we areat a momentous and critical juncture.

We emphasise and share greatconcern regarding the fact that, with less than 7 years remaining to achievethe SDG, only 12% of SDG targets are being well implemented, while we are stillbehind 50% of the targets with levels ranging from moderately to severely offtrack. These results warrant not only our reflection, but resolute action,especially drawing attention to gaps in achieving goals of education, genderequality, decent work and economic growth, climate action, peace, justice andstrong institutions, which are of vital concern to youth. 258 million youngpeople are still out of school, when we need universal education that leaves noone behind. The number of young people not in employment, education, ortraining (NEET) is increasing considerably, rising to 23.3 per cent. Youngwomen remain worse off than young men, being roughly two-thirds as likely to beemployed. We are also nowhere near equity when it comes to representation ofwomen and young people in politics. Less than 27% of world MPs are women, andonly 2.8% of MPs are 30 years of age or under. We need to work faster, morecreatively, and with a far greater sense of urgency, to achieve the agenda weall agreed upon.

Our world is characterised bythe rapid growth in technology, digital transformation, and innovation. We needto harness their potential to accelerate progress towards the SDG, especiallyfor issues important to youth. For example, in education, digital tools canopen up educational and training opportunities to more young people throughonline means. By unleashing innovation, we can help scale up start-ups led byyoung people that in turn can employ more young men and women. When these areenterprises that help adapt to or mitigate climate change, investing in youthfor the clean jobs of tomorrow can have multiplier positive effects.

The opportunities are clear,and they must be available to everyone, yet important gender gaps persist. Thefact that women are 26% less likely to own a mobile phone than men isunreasonable. Digital transformation and innovation must be opportunities thatbolster gender equality by facilitating new avenues for empowerment.

As key inventors, users andpromoters of technological evolution, young people are uniquely positioned tolead in the positioning of digital transformation and innovation at the centreof action to accelerate progress in making development sustainable for theplanet and accessible for the people, leaving no one behind. Young people arealready leaders in the private sector, as CEOs of tech companies and innovativestartups, or, as investors in digital transformation. This should also bemirrored with young people leading in our political institutions.

We young MPs, know how tonavigate the complexities of the digital landscape, and we know best the pulseof our country’s youth and future generations. It is our role to give voice totheir aspirations. Young people are natives of the latest technologies and arewell positioned to drive new solutions for the good of all. This includesthrough start-ups, developing new technologies and harnessing the rise ofArtificial Intelligence (AI). We reiterate our call for MPs and politicalleaders to take transformative action for more youth in politics by joining theIPU Campaign “I Say yes to youth in Parliament!”.

The Covid-19 pandemic hasdemonstrated the strategic importance of digital tools in our parliaments.These can contribute to more inclusive legislative processes, monitoring, anddecision-making processes on important issues more comprehensively, withgreater transparency, and increased public participation. Real-time engagementchannels can enable immediate interaction between constituents andrepresentatives. By facilitating participation, digital transformation canempower citizens, particularly the youth, to actively engage in politicalprocess and contribute to shaping policy decisions. For parliamentarians, thesedigital tools offer greater opportunities for combining their work and privatelife, especially for those with caring responsibilities. We welcome the IPUself-assessment toolkit on the SDGs as an innovative approach to helpingparliaments integrate the SDGs in parliamentary work  according to theirspecificities and contributing to their effective implementation in a morecoherent and sustainable manner.

Science - technology is acornerstone for advancing peace and sustainable development and providessolutions to today's complex challenges. It enables evidence-based and informedpolicymaking, whether it be on environmental protection, development, orconflict resolution. Science and the common search for knowledge and solutionscan unite in collective cause, providing a neutral platform for cooperation andan incentive for peaceful coexistence. We, young MPs, can play an importantrole in helping foster the next generation of tech-savvy and problem-solvingyouth to help realize sustainable development and peace. 

When harnessing the power oftechnology and innovation in a transforming world, we must work to maximize thepositive outcomes that these bring, while mitigating unwanted risks. Thisincludes taking up an ethical and prudent approach to science and technologythat ensures that they are used for the betterment of humanity and theenvironment, as well as privacy, security and well-being. At the same time, ourpursuit of digital transformation and innovation should not push us towardsglobal homogeneity. It should amplify the rich tapestry of cultures,experiences and perspectives. Cultural diversity is a strength for sustainabledevelopment which should not only be protected but embraced, as it is anindispensable ingredient that can nurture even more creativity and innovation.

To help accelerate theachievement of the SDGs through digital transformation and innovation, we,young MPs discussed the following proposed actions:
Regarding Digitaltransformation, we are calling for and suggesting that member parliaments :
Update parliamentary rules and working methods to allow for greater virtualparticipation of MPs, utilize interactive platforms that facilitate inclusivedirect communication between constituents and representatives, fostermeaningful engagement of specific demographic groups, particularly among theyouth in the work of parliamentary committees; Consider developing orstrengthening forward-looking parliamentary bodies, such as Committees of thefuture and other suitable mechanisms with respect to each country's specificconditions, to help parliaments anticipate and respond to long-term trends orpotential shocks, and ensuring that the youth are involved in such bodies;
        Ensure allparliamentarians are equipped with necessary knowledge and technical support tofully participate in online proceedings; enhance the use of virtual assistanceto support parliamentarians; use AI tools to enhance the quality of legislativework; and develop a digital library of  legal documents;
        Adoptlaws and policies that help close the digital gap and ensure accessibility toall, including through low-cost access, building of digital infrastructure andskills-building;
        Developsuitable legal frameworks and strengthen international cooperation to protecttheir respective digital sovereignty to bring about a safe, healthy networkenvironment and sustainable development;
        Adoptadequate policies and procedures to prevent and respond to any form oftechnology-facilitated harassment and violence against members of parliament,including violence against women parliamentarians;
        Advocate for thedevelopment of effective mechanisms and methods for collecting information anddata to monitor the implementation of the SDGs;
        Support the role of theUnited Nations in developing standards and legal frameworks on cyberspace,digital transformation and AI on the basis of consensus.
        RegardingInnovation and start-ups, we are calling for and suggesting member parliamentsto:
Strengthen the innovation and start-up eco-system, including by developinglegal frameworks for innovation and start-ups, scaling up our budgets tosupport to youth-led and youth-inclusive enterprises, start-ups and innovationinitiatives of the youth, including through funding, grants and technicalassistance, and making sure they are aligned with the SDGs, especially onempowering young women;
        Promoteeducation curricula that provide necessary skills to prepare the nextgeneration of innovators and entrepreneurs, with an emphasis on digitalskillsets. Special focus should also be given to young women, including byincentivizing more to study in the science, technology, engineering andmathematics (STEM) fields;
Urge the IPU to consider possible avenues within existing structures forengaging on innovation and digital transformation issues;
        Promoteglobal networking of young parliamentarians in digital transformation andinnovation, within the framework of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians, inclose cooperation with the IPU Centre for Innovation in Parliament;
        Strengthenthe nexus between the scientific and parliamentary communities to create morespace for science to contribute to peace and sustainable development, withpriority being the involvement of youth;
        Encouragestart-ups and innovation initiatives among the youth and students, women, andstrengthen gender mainstreaming, relating them with SDG, develop a separateprogram for digital innovation and start-ups;
        Promoteinnovation and sustainable entrepreneurship in all fields, with a focus onFoodTech, as a way to actively contribute to the process of implementing SDGs,solving food security issues and end famine.
        Regardingpromoting respect for cultural diversity for sustainable development, we call for and suggest that  member parliaments :
        Helpdevelop a common parliamentary approach to establishing a framework ofprinciples, values in the decision making, researching, and development aroundscience and technology, such as the IPU International Charter on the Ethics ofScience and Technology, which aims at ensuring that the development andapplication of science and technology are carried out in a responsible,ethical, and sustainable manner;
        Contributerobustly to efforts intended to stem online violence against women and girls,including by promoting gender equality, curbing hate speech and regulating andmanaging AI in a way women and girls are protected and new technologies do notperpetuate gender biases;
        Strengthendata protection framework laws and other statutory instruments, especiallyconcerning personal data, cyberthreats, and promote transparent and open-sourcealgorithms;
        Promoteinclusivity, intercultural dialogue, and respect for cultural diversity andlocal knowledge as drivers of sustainable development, prosperity and peacefulcoexistence;
        Promoteculture as a driving force of sustainable development, commit to protecting andpromoting cultural diversity, affirm the role of the creative economy andcultural industries and the role of culture and cultural diversity in theprocess of solving difficulties and challenges facing humanity today,especially climate change, preventing illegal trafficking and transfer ofcultural heritage property;
        Promoterespect for cultural diversity in the context of the 4th industrial revolution;strengthen cooperation for economic innovation, increased efficiency, anddrivers for economic growth. At the same time, help state agencies operate moretransparently and more effectively on the roadmap for digitalization to narrowthe development gap, ensure personal privacy in cyberspace,  while keepingin mind national sovereignty.
        Weexpress our gratitude to the National Assembly of Viet Nam for havingconsiderately, successfully, and professionally hosted this Global Conferenceof Young Parliamentarians, championing youth participation, promoting theachievement of the SDGs, including through the IPU and international andregional inter-parliamentary mechanisms. We stand ready to do our part  inthe mission to harness the power of technology and innovation for the SDG, in aresponsible way that leaves no one behind, especially not future generations,while respecting the United Nations Charter and international law. We standtogether to keep the promises of the 2015 Hanoi Declaration, and to answer theurgent call of the 2030 Agenda./.


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