The “You are not alone” campaign aims to support disadvantagedchildren orphaned by COVID-19 within the networks of participatingorganisations, as well as extending support towards the wider community throughan open application system where any orphaned child outside their existingnetworks can seek help.
According to estimates from HCM City Department of Education andTraining, in Ho Chi Minh City alone, 1,517 children at all levels of educationhave been orphaned by COVID-19 in the past few months. This number is muchhigher when considering all the children not included in the education system,and in other provinces and cities of the country. In combination withgovernmental support, participation of NGOs specializing in supporting childrenis essential to the transparent and efficient concentration and allocation ofresources.
Children losing a parent are at risk of seriouspsychological trauma, which, without proper support, can have serious long-termimpacts on their mental wellbeing and curtail their chances of success later onin life. In particular, children with families already in difficult financialcircumstances, who have now lost the main provider for the family, will requirematerial support along with long-term commitment towards education andemotional support.
“You are not alone” will focus not only on providingfinancial support to the children, but will also provide mental support andguidance. Combining the diverse experiences and expertise in social work, theparticipating organisations will be able to aid children in coping with thetraumas of bereavement, provide responsible counselling on issues surroundinglife and education, encourage and assist children in their personaldevelopment, and create a safety net to support these children in the absenceof their parent. In essence, the collaboration between participatingorganisations will help these children overcome the psychological shock andtrauma of losing a parent, and prevent this tragedy from affecting the child’spotential.
Registration for support can be made at website https://emkhongleloi.com./.