The absence of a department of nutrition and diet at many hospitals, alack of trained dietitians and poor food service at hospital canteens areblamed for the high prevalence of malnutrition among patients, said Do Thi NgocDiep, Director of the HCM City Nutrition Centre.
The unhealthy eating habits of patients resulted in malnutrition, Diep said ata conference held in HCM City recently.
In HCM City, the prevalence of malnutrition among patients stands at 40.7 percent.
A high prevalence of malnutrition was common for patients in thedepartments of oncology, respiratory, surgical, traditional medicine andintensive care, she said.
Poor nutritional status increased the risk of infectious complications, apoorer clinical outcome, an increased length of hospital stay and costs as wellas morbidity and mortality, she added.
[Vietnam, UN report on fight against malnutrition]
According to Luong Ngoc Khue, head of the Ministry ofHealth’s Department of Medical Examination and Treatment, nutrition playsa vital role for hospitalised patients during their treatment, especially thosewith severe illnesses such as cancer, post-surgery, diabetes, kidney failure,severe burns and gastroenterology.
Nearly 30 percent of hospitals across the country have no nutrition anddietetic department to provide advice about nutrition and diet in relation tohealth and illness.
Participants at the conference suggested the Ministry of Health take measuresto ensure all hospitals have a department of nutrition and diet.
Meals for patients should be covered by health insurance benefits, they said.-VNA