Official dispatch on strengthening COVID-19 prevention and control

The permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat on July 21 sent an official dispatch on strengthening COVID-19 prevention and control measures.
Official dispatch on strengthening COVID-19 prevention and control ảnh 1Spraying disinfectant in a high-risk area (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat on July 21 sent an official dispatch on strengthening COVID-19 prevention and control measures to the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control; municipal/provincial Party Committees; the Party Central Committee's Commissions; centrally-run Party Civil Affairs Committees, Party Committees, Party Delegations; and Party Committees of centrally-run non-productive agencies.

The official dispatch says that the Party Committees, administrations at all levels, mass organisations and people from walks of life have strived to overcome difficulties and promptly adopted measures to fight the pandemic. However, the fourth wave of infections with the largest scale and fastest-ever spreading speed, the people’s lives and health as well as production and business activities have been badly affected.

Official dispatch on strengthening COVID-19 prevention and control ảnh 2At a checkpoint in Tuy Hoa city, Phu Yen district (Photo: VNA)

In order to improve the efficiency of the fight against the pandemic in the current urgent situation, the permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat called on the entire political system to give the top focus on the work. The Party Committees and organisations must continue seriously, drastically and effectively following directions of the Politburo, Secretariat, Government, Prime Minister, National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the Health Ministry’s guidelines in the new situation, especially the Politburo’s conclusion No.07-KL/TW dated June 11 on several key tasks on COVID-19 prevention and control and socio-economic development.

He asked for offering timely commendation and reward to individuals, organisations and localities in the work while seriously punishing those who violate prevention and control measures.

Secretaries of the municipal/provincial Party Committees and heads of the Party Committees must pool the involvement of the entire political system; create public consensus; direct seriously follow tracing, quarantine, testing, vaccination measures, particularly in localities that are implementing the Prime Minister’s Directive No.16 and high-risk areas; supply necessities to people and procure equipment for the effort, take responsibility for the work before the Politburo and Secretariat.

The National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and the health sector were assigned to direct localities to outline scenarios and adopt testing and treatment measures that suit the situation, step up the research, production and injection of vaccines.

Official dispatch on strengthening COVID-19 prevention and control ảnh 3Checking temperature in Bac Giang province (Photo: VNA)

The Party Central Committee’s Mass Mobilisation Commission, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organisations were asked to raise awareness, responsibility and pandemic prevention and control skills among their members and the people, and provide care for residents, especially those in difficulties and vulnerable groups.

Apart from joining in the COVID-19 fight, armed forces were urged to ensure security and order, stay vigilant, punish those who take advantage of the pandemic to distort, incite and sabotage national security, social safety and order.

The Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, and the Ministry of Information and Communications must direct press and news agencies to orient public opinions, contributing to creating high consensus on pandemic prevention and control./.


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