Hanoi (VNA) – The official visit to Morocco byChairwoman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, starting onMarch 28, is expected to help enhance the friendship and cooperation betweenthe countries’ parliaments.
The tour, made at the invitation of President ofthe Moroccan House of Representatives Habib El Malki, will be the first by aparliamentary leader of Vietnam to Morocco after 14 years.
Vietnam and Morocco set up diplomatic ties onMarch 27, 1961. Despite geographical distance, their leaders and people haveunceasingly made efforts to nurture relations between the two countries.
Their prime ministers and parliamentary leadersused to pay visits to each other’s countries while mutual visits at theministerial level have been held regularly. The two sides have also coordinatedand supported each other at international forums.
In December 2014, Morocco recognised thatVietnam has a full market economy. Bilateral trade reached 212.7 million USD in2018.
Aside from exporting goods, Vietnamesebusinesses can boost partnerships in the fields matching their strength andMorocco’s policies like agriculture, aquaculture, tourism services, consumergoods production, construction, fertilizer production, processed food trading,and logistics services at industrial parks.
Meanwhile, parliamentary ties have also beenenhanced strongly in recent years. Delegation exchanges have been maintainedbetween leaders and officials of specialised committees of their parliaments.Vietnamese and Moroccan parliamentarians have also regularly met, coordinatedwith and supported each other at multilateral forums, especially theInter-Parliamentary Union.
The Vietnamese National Assembly and theMoroccan House of Representatives signed a memorandum of understanding oninter-parliamentary cooperation during an official visit to Vietnam by thePresident of the lower house of Morocco in December 2017. This deal serves asthe legal basis for the two legislatures to intensify cooperation.
The official trip to Morocco by Chairwoman Nganaims to strengthen the friendship and multifaceted relations between thecountries, particularly in trade-investment, tourism, banking, energy, locality-to-localitycooperation, and trilateral cooperation among Vietnam, Morocco and anotherAfrican nation. The two sides will also discuss measures to fosterparliamentary links so as to realise the signed agreements.-VNA