Soc Trang (VNA) – The Ok Om Bok Festival, also called the Festivalof Worshipping the Moon, will take place in the Mekong Delta province of SocTrang from October 28 to November 3.
A string of activities will be held within the festival, including moonworshipping ritual, competition to restore Ca Hau boat and street festival.
A highlight of the festival will be “Ghe Ngo” (Khmer Boat) race, which hasattracted the registration of 58 rowing teams from Soc Trang, Bac Lieu and CaMau provinces, said Ly Binh Cang, head of Soc Trang province’s Committee forEthnic Minority Affairs.
The Khmer people consider “Ghe Ngo” race as both a game and a way to expresssolidarity as well as a traditional ritual to see off the God of Water to theocean after the growing season. It is a religious ritual of the Khmer tocommemorate the Snake God Nagar who once turned into a lump of wood to help theBuddha cross the river.
Du Ke, a style of musical theatre created by the Khmer people in the early1920s, will take stage during the festival. The activity aims to preserve anddevelop the outstanding art of the Khmer group.
In addition, over 200 businesses will showcase their farm produce at 500 pavilionsduring the festival.
Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Ngo Hung said that theprovince has carefully been preparing for the festival.
With 855 one-three star hotel rooms, Soc Trang can serve up to 1,700 touristsduring the festival. In addition, the province has 753 standard hotel roomswhich can accommodate 1,500 people.
The Ok Om Bok festival is one of the three main festivals along with Sene Doltaand Chol Chnam Thmay that Khmer people celebrate every year. The festival takesplace under the full moon in the 10th lunar month annually, when itchanges from the rainy season to the dry season, the growing season to theharvest season.
Khmer people believe the moon is a God who controls the weather and cropsthroughout the year. The Ok Om Bok Festival of each village takes place in thegardens of local pagodas, while the whole province’s Ok Om Bok Festival isorganised at Ba Om pond.
On the occasion, the Khmer provide offering of farm produce to thank the God’sblessing for favourable weather and their bountiful harvest.-VNA