Olympic Run Day launched nationwide

A ceremony was held on March 22 in Hanoi to launch the 2015 Olympic Run for All People’s Health to mark the Vietnam Sport Day (March 27, 1946).
A ceremony was held on March 22 in Hanoi to launch the 2015 Olympic Run for All People’s Health to mark the Vietnam Sport Day (March 27, 1946).

Opening the ceremony, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh said the late President Ho Chi Minh’s call for all people to exercise to stay healthy is still relevant today.

According to Le Hong Son, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee, more than 600,000 people from hundreds of communes and wards in Hanoi gathered to run in their localities on response to the event.

Right after the ceremony, delegates and local residents ran around Hoan Kiem Lake in an exciting atmosphere.

Millions of people in 63 provinces and cities across the country also joined similar activities.

The Olympic Run Day aims to encourage people to do physical exercise regularly to stay fit and healthy.-VNA

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