Online trade promotion - Leverage to boost connectivity, improve brands

Online trade promotion is currently considered as an effective solution for businesses to maintain contacts with their export markets and also a tool to learn about market trends, developments and demand.
Online trade promotion - Leverage to boost connectivity, improve brands ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - Online trade promotion is currently considered as an effective solution for businesses to maintain contacts with their export markets and also a tool to learn about market trends, developments and demand.

The outbreak of COVID-19 in many countries has forced Vietnam’s import and export markets to take strong measures to contain the spread of the pandemic. This has hindered the organisation of traditional trade promotion activities of enterprises.

Therefore, a change in the work is a must to create a leverage for industries and businesses to connect with and build brands in their export markets to overcome the pandemic.

In fact, a shift from offline fairs to online promotion has helped increase export turnover and exploit new markets in the new situation.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam’s total trade turnover in July is estimated at 55.7 billion USD, a month-on-month rise of 1.5 percent.

Demand for imports remains high, as countries are speeding up vaccination against COVID-19 and reopening their doors, thus helping raise the demand for textiles, footwear, furniture and electronics from Vietnam.

In addition, free trade agreements are being implemented in a more comprehensive and effective manner, and expected to continue promoting Vietnam's exports.

Therefore, online trade connectivity is a golden key for the goods of Vietnamese enterprises to reach out to the world.

General Director of the Hanoi Trading Corporation Vu Thanh Son said, with the cost equal to one tenth of that of face-to-face contact, online connectivity is currently a solution for businesses to maintain contacts with their export markets, as well as a tool to learn about market trends, developments and needs.

Moreover, enterprises can do marketing globally, access information and conduct transactions with customers around the clock.

However, experts advised enterprises not to rely only on state promotion programmes, but actively trade and connect online with partners around the world through the use of e-commerce platforms or social networks./.


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