Organisations work to bolster Vietnam-China people-to-people ties

The Vietnam Peace Committee (VPC) and the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPD) have agreed to work more closely to help enhance relations between the people of the two nations.
Organisations work to bolster Vietnam-China people-to-people ties ảnh 1The talks between representatives of the Vietnam Peace Committee and the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament in Hanoi on March 13 (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Vietnam Peace Committee (VPC) and the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPD) have agreed to work more closely to help enhance relations between the people of the two nations.

The agreement was reached during talks between Standing Vice Chairman of the VPC Nguyen Van Huynh and Secretary-General of the CPAPD An Yuejun in Hanoi on March 13.

The two sides agreed to maintain high-level delegation exchanges, expand cooperation to new spheres, continue mutual support at multilateral forums, and increase the sharing of experiences and information about issues related to their countries, the region and the world. 

They will also boost coordination at meetings and workshops of the two organisations, while working with other Vietnamese and Chinese organisations to hold activities introducing Vietnam’s culture and tourism in China and vice versa.

The VPC, a member of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO), and the CPAPD will send survey teams to each other’s country every two years to learn about issues of common concern like education, agriculture and trade.

Huynh expressed his delight at the two organisations’ developing ties on the basis of the policy on relations between the two Parties, States and people of Vietnam and China, which stresses stronger efforts to enhance the bilateral friendship and meet their people’s aspirations and interests.

He believed relations between the VPC and the CPAPD will further flourish, thus contributing to the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China.

Also on March 13, VUFO President Nguyen Phuong Nga received the CPAPD delegation.

Nga spoke highly of the outcomes of working sessions between the Chinese delegation and the VPC, voicing her hope that they will promote their connections to contribute to relations between the Vietnamese and Chinese people and to regional and global peace.

Amid a complex global situation, Vietnam and China need their people’s efforts to contribute to peace and stability in the region and the world, she said.

Highlighting the strides in bilateral relations, Nga underlined the critical importance of political trust between the countries’ leaders and people, noting that people-to-people diplomatic activities of Vietnamese and Chinese organisations are crucial to strengthening the trust.

The VUFO welcomes and highly values increasing exchanges between the VPC and the CPAPD, she added.

For his part, the CPAPD Secretary-General voiced his hope for the VUFO’s continued support for cooperation activities with the VPC so as to help enhance mutual respect and trust between the Chinese and Vietnamese people.

As people-to-people exchanges have yet to match bilateral political ties, the countries should boost those activities in the coming time to help intensify their cooperation, he said.-VNA

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