OV associations in Cambodia strengthened

Overseas Vietnamese associations in Cambodia have been more and more strengthened following the successful organisation of the first congress of the General Association of the Vietnamese Cambodians in 2011.
Overseas Vietnamese associations in Cambodia have been more and more strengthened following the successful organisation of the first congress of the General Association of the Vietnamese Cambodians in 2011.

Representatives of the Vietnamese Business Association in Cambodia , the Cambodia-Vietnam-Laos economic cooperation development association and Chairmen of 15 overseas Vietnamese associations in Cambodia provinces and cities gathered in Phnom Penh on Jan. 14 to review the general association’s activities last year.

After the congress, the general association continue to strengthen relations with local authorities and set up relations with many Vietnamese provinces and cities, especially those in the border areas.

It also paid due attention to cultural, educational and charitable works. To date, the general association has opened two primary schools in Phnom Penh and 36 classes that teach Vietnamese and Khmer languages for 4,300 pupils. It also worked closely with the Vietnamese Embassy to provide aid to 4,000 households during the recent historic floods in Cambodia. /.

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