HCM City (VNA) - More than 22,000 young officers and soldiers of the armed forces in HoChi Minh City are participating as volunteers in the 13th Hanhquan xanh (Green Military Operations) Campaign between June 23 andAugust 4.
Attending a kick-offceremony held on June 23 in Tan Phu district, Vice Chairman of themunicipal People's Committee Ngo Minh Chau appreciated achievementsand efforts that campaign volunteers made over the last years.
Volunteers needto spread the spirit of the campaign to create moreopportunities for them to practice and improve their skills, hesaid.
During the campaign,the volunteers upgrade alleys, roads and irrigationsystems, offer free health exams and medicine to disadvantagedresidents, and build charity houses.
They also participatein activities to promote environmental protection, prevent and fight childabuse and law violations, build new-style rural areas and a “civilised urban”lifestyle, ensure social security, and protect the environment.
Training courseson fire-prevention equipment and firefighting skills,drowning prevention and rescue skills, and necessary self-defenseskills are also organised in localities.
The campaign is oneof a number of summer activities of the city’s Ho Chi Minh Communist YouthUnion.-VNA