Thebatch is part of the 80 million doses of vaccine committed by the US President,of which 41 million doses will be distributed through COVAX Facility, to meetvaccination demand in the world.
Vietnam has gained success in responding to the COVID-19pandemic since 2020, but due to the limited supply of vaccines globally, therate of vaccination in the country remains low. At present, only around 4percent of Vietnam’s population have been vaccinated, while the number ofinfections has surged in the past few weeks.
Earlier, Vietnam had received 2,493,200 doses of AstraZenecavaccine through the COVAX Facility. Since the arrival of the first batch ofvaccine supplied by COVAX in early April, Vietnam has administered over 4million doses of COVID-19 vaccine by July 9.
Thedelivery of more vaccine to Vietnam has allowed the country to expandvaccination, towards the goal of inoculating more than 70 percent of thepopulation by the end of the first quarter of 2022.
Besides vaccine, the US has granted more than 17.7 million USD tohelp Vietnam cope with the COVID-19 pandemic since the early days of thepandemic.

In a recent interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency, UNICEF Representative in Vietnam Rana Flowers saidin the context of the vaccine shortage and complicated developments of thepandemic, priority should be given to people at the front of the fight againstthe pandemic like health workers and vulnerable groups such as the elderly andthose with underlying medical conditions.
She stressed the importance of ensuring thateveryone continues to follow the Health Ministry’s 5K message – khau trang(face masks), khu khuan (disinfection), khoang cach (distancing), khong tu tap(no gatherings), and khai bao y te (health declarations) – to protectthemselves from the coronavirus, and all children are given regular vaccinesunder the nation’s extended vaccination programme.
Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long has signedoff a plan for implementing the national COVID-19 vaccination drive from now toApril 2022.
The plan, taking effect on July 8, will be updatedbased on real-time pandemic developments and the vaccine supply, and it willserve as the basis for agencies and localities to make and carry out theirinoculation plans.
The list of groups given priority in COVID-19vaccination has been expanded in the largest-ever immunisation campaign ofVietnam./.