Ministerof Health Nguyen Thanh Long has signed off a plan for implementing the nationalCOVID-19 vaccination drive from now to April 2022.
Theplan, taking effect on July 8, will be updated based on real-time pandemicdevelopments and the vaccine supply, and it will serve as the basis foragencies and localities to make and carry out their inoculation plans.
Accordingto the ministry’s implementation plan, aside from the existing priority groups,religious dignitaries, informal workers, and other groups decided by the HealthMinister or chairpersons of provincial-level People’s Committees or proposed byvaccine suppliers will be prioritised for vaccination.
Personswith chronic diseases, those aged over 65, residents in pandemic-hit areas,low-income people, policy beneficiaries, food sellers, traders in markets,builders, and informal workers are also now listed as part of the prioritygroups.
Thecampaign prioritises four groups of localities, including the ones currently havingoutbreaks and those located in key economic regions or piloting economicdevelopment projects of the Government.
Provincesand cities with many industrial parks and clusters, a big number of workers,and large populations, along with those boasting borderlines, high travelfrequency, and international border gates will also be among the firstbeneficiaries.
TheMinistry of Health (MoH) has been making efforts to access sources of COVID-19vaccine supply via different channels. As a result, about 105 million doseshave been committed for Vietnam.
Thecountry looks to have about 70 percent of the population inoculated to achieveherd immunity by late 2021 or early 2022.
Tothat end, it is necessary to engage various forces in the drive such ashealthcare, military, and public security forces and to conduct immunisation simultaneouslyat vaccination establishments, both public and private ones, nationwide, the ministrysaid.
Ittargets that at least 50 percent of people aged 18 and above will be vaccinatedagainst COVID-19 in 2021, and more than 70 percent of the population will getthe shots by the end of the first quarter next year./.